International Peace Information Service (IPIS)

Italiëlei 98a
2000 Antwerpen
+ 32 3 225 00 22

International Peace Information Service (IPIS)

IPIS is an independent research institute providing tailored information, analysis and capacity enhancement to support those actors who want to realize a vision of durable peace, sustainable development and the fulfillment of human rights.

Thoughout the years, IPIS has developed a geographic focus on sub-Saharan Africa and a thematic focus on natural resources, conflict motives of armed actors, business and human rights, and international arms transfers. Within this scope, IPIS strives to be a center of excellence on field based research.

The nature of IPIS’ research stands midway between a journalistic and an academic approach. With journalism the organisation shares a strong focus on the factual, as opposed to the rather theoretical line of approach of academic research. However, IPIS goes deeper and more thoroughly into its themes of research than is usual within the journalistic profession. By doing so, they come near to investigative journalism and its digging extending to sources outside the public domain.

Country(-ies) of operation/intervention in Central Africa: 
Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), South Sudan, Uganda
Thematic areas of focus : 
Natural Resources, Peace & Security, Conflict mapping, Artisanal mining, Fight against impunity & reconciliation, Fight against corruption, Human rights