Online event – European Regulation on Responsible Mineral Sourcing: what are the lessons learned so far for the upcoming review and new legislative proposal?

Online event – European Regulation on Responsible Mineral Sourcing: what are the lessons learned so far for the upcoming review and new legislative proposal?

Tuesday, 28 September, 2021

On 28th September 2021, EurAc and its partners will host an online conference bringing together local and European civil society representatives, European Union (EU)’s officials and companies. This event will provide recommendations to EU decision-makers with regards to the implementation of the EU Regulation on Conflict Minerals Sourcing, its accompanying measures as well as related EU Regulations currently being drafted and discussed.


The 1st of January 2021 marked the entry into force of the European Regulation on Responsible Sourcing of tin, tungsten tantalum and gold (3TG) from conflict-affected and high-risk areas. The Regulation aims to ensure that European companies carry out due diligence checks on their suppliers to break the link between the exploitation of mineral resources and violent conflicts.

The Regulation was coupled with “accompanying measures”, aiming to assist producing countries, local communities and the most vulnerable actors to engage with systems of accountability throughout the production chain.

The Regulation represents an important first step in ensuring transparent mineral production chains that curb human rights abuse. However, a question remains: what is its real impact in producing countries, particularly with regards to benefits for local communities and small-scale, artisanal mining operators?

The conference will feature input and recommendations gathered during a 3-day workshop bringing together the Congolese and Columbian civil society with the private sector.

Practical information


  • General introduction
  • Topic 1: EU 3TG Regulation implementation – Lessons learned and proposal for the future
  • Topic 2: EU Regulation – Lessons learned and proposal regarding environmental issues
  • Panel: What are the lessons learned from the EU Regulation on Responsible Sourcing for developing EU Regulations (Batteries Regulation and Horizontal Due Diligence Regulation)?

Download the programme in PDF version.


European Network for Central Africa (EurAc), Germanwatch, IPIS, Justice & Paix, the MADINI project, Ecumenical Network for Central Africa (ÖNZ).

With the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germany.