Pax Christi International

Rue du Progrès, 323
B-1030 Brussels
+32 (0) 2 502 55 50

Pax Christi International

Pax Christi International is a global Catholic peace movement working worldwide to establish:

  • Peace;
  • Respect for Human Rights;
  • Justice and Reconciliation

Pax Christi was founded in Europe in 1945 as a reconciliation movement bringing together French and Germans after World War II. Today, the movement has over 100 member organisations active worldwide. Pax Christi is a member organisation led movement, comprised of national sections and local groups, all carrying the Pax Christi name, and also of affiliated organisations that work under their own names.

Country(-ies) of operation/intervention in Central Africa: 
Burundi, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda
Thematic areas of focus : 
Human rights, Peace & Security