Lliga Dels Dret Dels Pobles

Lliga Dels Dret Dels Pobles
The Lliga dels Drets dels Pobles League of Peoples' Rights is an association founded in 1977 in the city of Sabadell, near Barcelona, Catalonia-Spain, by a group of volunteers with the objectives of the recognition of peoples' rights, the development of the culture of peace and social transformation, in order to achieve global justice.
We work through denunciation, awareness, research, and cooperation, integrating the gender perspective into all our actions.
Regarding the Great Lakes, the Lliga is developing a cooperation project in Butembo and its surroundings in North Kivu, where we support three women's associations that work against impunity for sexual and gender-based violence, through hospital, psychotherapeutic and legal support, in addition to raising awareness among the population and the school environment about human rights and the dignity of women.
Congo project : https://perillderiqueses.dretsdelspobles.org/ca/