
68 rue Coenraets
1060 Brussels
+32 (0) 2 505 40 70


Solsoc is a non-governmental organisation accredited by the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGD). It is one of the international solidarity organisations of the Socialist movement, which is its historical and social anchor. Solsoc supports social movements and civil society organisations in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East in order to contribute to progressive, secular and democratic social change. 

Solsoc's vision of development is based on social change: organisations and social movements pushing societies towards egalitarian relationships through collective action. The aim is to fight the roots of injustice and exclusion; to strengthen the democratic framework; and to pursue social justice. 

In Belgium, Solsoc relays the concerns of its international partners through citizen and political mobilisation. Solsoc also participates in platforms, umbrella organisations and networks, such as EurAc, that share its values. 

Country(-ies) of operation/intervention in Central Africa: 
Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Thematic areas of focus : 
Social protection, Democracy, Decent work, Fight against corruption, Human rights