Online conference - Launch of the PEUPLE project

Online conference - Launch of the PEUPLE project

Wednesday, 12 May, 2021

On 12 May 2021, EurAc and its partners in the PEUPLE project will host an online conference to discuss the promotion of the participation of indigenous pygmy peoples in the sustainable management of land and natural resources in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


The recent adoption of a law on the protection of indigenous pygmy peoples by the Congolese National Assembly is encouraging, but indigenous pygmy peoples in the DRC still face discrimination and violations of their rights, as well as land grabbing.

This online conference will provide an opportunity to review the latest news related to indigenous peoples in the DRC and the PEUPLE project.

The PEUPLE project

The PEUPLE project, which will last three years, was conceived at the request of Congolese organisations (PIDP, SPFA and REBAC) in partnership with a consortium of three European organisations (Agir ensemble, DOCIP, EurAc) specialised in the defence of human rights, capacity building and European and UN advocacy.

The project aims to promote the participation of indigenous Pygmy peoples in the DRC in the sustainable management of land and natural resources and to strengthen the technical, organisational and advocacy capacities of Congolese Pygmy rights organisations.

> More information on the PEUPLE project



Practical information


  • Agir ensemble pour les droits humains
  • Centre de documentation, de recherche et d'information des peuples autochtones (DOCIP)
  • Programme intégré pour le développement du peuple pygmée au Nord-Kivu (PIDP)
  • Réseau ecclésial du Bassin du Congo (REBAC)
  • European Network for Central Africa (EurAc)
  • Solidarité pour les femmes autochtones (SPFA)

A project supported by the French Development Agency, Secours Catholique and the Comité Catholique contre la Faim et pour le Développement - Terre Solidaire (CCFD)